Minho (SHINee) Member Profile Stage Name: Minho (민호) Birth Name: Choi Min Ho (최민호) Position: Main Rapper, Vocalist, Visual Birthday: December 9, 1991 Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Hometown: Incheon, South Korea Height: 184 cm (6'0″) Blood Type: B Minho Facts: - Minho was born in Incheon, South Korea and has one older brother メンバーのシューは神奈川県出身の在日韓国人3世で日本語ネイティブのため、日韓両国でV6とデュエット曲「One」を発表、またV6メンバー 2016年12月30、31日、世宗(セジョン)大学の太陽(テヤン)ホールで単独コンサート「Remember, the day」を開催。


May 25, 2014 · SHINee's One Fine Day Ep 7 Part 1 (Eng Sub) Jehlagrl. Follow. [ENG SUB] 150115 SHINee's Taemin - Bonsang winning speech @ Golden Disc Awards. Disk Bonsang Award. Feb 28, 2015 · shinee the 3rd concert album 'shinee world iii in seoul' Licensed to YouTube by SM Entertainment (on behalf of S.M.Entertainment); LatinAutor, CMRRA, and 5 Music Rights Societies まだ登録していませんか? 新規無料登録 Ameba新規登録(無料) [130305 Shinee's one fine day Taemin self camera] [Eng Sub] 13O4O9 Taemin's Messages to SHINee Hyungs] [SHINee's One Fine Day]130210 Mar 27, 2013 · 10 videos Play all SHINee One Fine Day/Some Wonderful Day ENG SUB Max M. [맨발의친구들] 샤이니(SHINee) 먹방 'Every body every every body 잠든 식탐을 깨워~♬'/ Review - Duration Hello~ We are BTS!!

Mar 27, 2013 · 10 videos Play all SHINee One Fine Day/Some Wonderful Day ENG SUB Max M. [맨발의친구들] 샤이니(SHINee) 먹방 'Every body every every body 잠든 식탐을 깨워~♬'/ Review - Duration

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2015/02/28 2013/04/17 2017/12/21 2015/06/24 2013/02/14 SHINee is first one do be in One Fine Day. All members have choice to leave somewhere they want, but they have to take care of everything. Edit Translation English Native Title: 어느 멋진 날 시즌 1 Also Known As: SHINee's , , 2011/07/07

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2019/04/28 2014/05/25 2015/09/08 2010/08/07 Yay finally fully subbed! I started watching this the other day and it's been something of a revelation for me. I've loved SHINee's music for ages but I was so hung up on Taemin and Onew that I didn't really pay all that much attention to